重构 - Deal with Generalization

这一章是关于重构概括关系的总结。概括关系,简而言之就是一种代码复用体系,也就是面向对象的类系统的重构。常见的概括关系重构包括字段和函数的上移和下移、构造函数的上移、使用工厂方法代替构复杂造器。除了处理一个现有的类型系统,还可以对类型系统进行更改,比如将父类拆分为父类和子类,将相关但是不同的类移动到父类后直接删除、合并抽象逻辑为父类、从函数中提取公共模板方法、定义两个类的角色 —— 接口。此外,本文还探讨了概括关系的两种选择:委托和继承,前者适用于 has 关系,后者适用于 is 关系。


Pull Up Field


package BEFORE {
  class People {
    var name:String = ""
    override def toString: String = s"${getClass.getSimpleName} - $name"
  class Student extends People {
    var age:Int = 0
  class Employee extends People {
    var age:Int = 20
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People
    a.name = "Corkine"
    val b = new Student
    b.name = "Corkine"
    b.age = 40
    val c = new Employee
    c.name = "Corkine"
    c.age = 30
package AFTER {
  class People {
    var name:String = ""
    var age:Int = 0
    override def toString: String = s"${getClass.getSimpleName} - $name"
  class Student extends People {
    age = 0
  class Employee extends People {
    age = 20
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People
    a.name = "Corkine"
    val b = new Student
    b.name = "Corkine"
    b.age = 40
    val c = new Employee
    c.name = "Corkine"
    c.age = 30

Pull Up Method


package Before {
  class People()
  class Student(name:String) extends People {
    def sayHi:String = "Hello From Student"
  class Employee(name:String) extends People {
    def sayHi:String = "Hello From Employee"
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People
    val b = new Student("Stu")
    val c = new Employee("Emp")
package After {
  class People(name:String) {
    def sayHi:String = s"Hello From ${getClass.getSimpleName}"
  class Student(name:String) extends People(name)
  class Employee(name:String) extends People(name)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People("Corkine")
    val b = new Student("Corkine")
    val c = new Employee("Corkine")
    println(a.sayHi, b.sayHi, c.sayHi)

Pull Up Extract Method


package Before {
  class People {
    var name = ""
    var age = 0
  class Student extends People {
    var school:String = ""
    def getInformation: String = {
      s"Student - $name, $age, $school"
  class Employee extends People {
    var company:String = ""
    def getInformation: String = {
      s"Employee - $name, $age, $company"
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People
    a.name = "Corkine"
    val b = new Student
    b.name = "Corkine"
    b.age = 22
    b.school = "CCNU"
    val c = new Employee
    c.name = "Corkine"
    c.age = 22
    c.company = "CCCP"
    println(a, b.getInformation, c.getInformation)
package After {
  class People {
    var name = ""
    var age = 0
    def getBasicInformation:String = getClass.getSimpleName + s" - $name, $age, "
  class Student extends People {
    var school:String = ""
    def getInformation: String = {
      getBasicInformation + s"$school"
  class Employee extends People {
    var company:String = ""
    def getInformation: String = {
      getBasicInformation + s"$company"
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People
    a.name = "Corkine"
    val b = new Student
    b.name = "Corkine"
    b.age = 22
    b.school = "CCNU"
    val c = new Employee
    c.name = "Corkine"
    c.age = 22
    c.company = "CCCP"
    println(a, b.getInformation, c.getInformation)

Pull Up Constructor Body


package Before {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, school:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    println("Init Main Constructor ...")
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) extends Person(name,age) {
    println("Init Main Constructor ...")
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)
package After {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    println("Init Main Constructor ...")
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, school:String) extends Person(name,age)
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) extends Person(name,age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)

Push Down Field


package Before {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    val schoolCode: Int = {
      this match {
        case s:Student => s.school.length
        case _ => -1
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) extends Person(name,age) 
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) extends Person(name,age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)
package After {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) 
        extends Person(name,age) {
    val schoolCode: Int = this.school.length
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) 
        extends Person(name,age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)

Push Down Method


package Before {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    def schoolCode: Int = {
      this match {
        case s:Student => s.school.length
        case _ => -1
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) extends Person(name,age)
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) extends Person(name,age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)
package After {
  class Person(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) 
        extends Person(name,age) {
    def schoolCode: Int = this.school.length
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val salary:Int) 
        extends Person(name,age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Person("Corkine",22)
    val b = new Student("Student", 22, "CCNU")
    val c = new Employee("Employee",22,1000)


拆分:Extract Subclass


同 Pull Up Method,不过这里新建了一个子类,略。

拆分:Extract Hierarchy

当一个类做了太多的事情,考虑将其分解,然后将一部分任务交给子类去做。这和 Pull Up Method、Field、Extract Subclass 的思想相同,不过,Extract Subclass 更多的是将大的类的功能拆分,而这里的 Extract Hierarchy 考虑的更多是,用一个子类代表一种类的特殊情况(当这个原本的类使用大量的条件表达式时,这样的拆分更有效)。

合并:Extract Superclass


package Before {
  class Student(val name:String, val age:Int, val school:String)
  class Employee(val name:String, val age:Int, val company:String)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Student("Corkine",22,"CCNU")
    val b = new Employee("Corkine",22,"Wuhan CCCP")
    println(a, b)
package After {
  class People(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) 
        extends People(name, age)
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val company:String) 
        extends People(name, age)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Student("Corkine",22,"CCNU")
    val b = new Employee("Corkine",22,"Wuhan CCCP")
    println(a, b)

合并:Collapse Hierarchy


package Before {
  class Student(val name:String, val age:Int, val school:String)
  class Employee(val name:String, val age:Int, val company:String)
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Student("Corkine",22,"CCNU")
    val b = new Employee("Corkine",22,"Wuhan CCCP")
    println(a, b)
package After {
  class People(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    var school:String = _
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new People("Corkine",22)
    a.school = "CCNU"

合并:Extract Interface


package Before {
  class Animal {
    def sayHi:String = "mow...."
  class People(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    def sayHi:String = s"I'm $name, $age years old."
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Animal
    val b = new People("Corkine",22)
    def sayHi(from:Any): String = {
      from match {
        case i: Animal => i.sayHi
        case p :People => p.sayHi
    println(sayHi(a), sayHi(b))
package After {
  trait HiSayer {
    def sayHi:String
  class Animal extends HiSayer {
    override def sayHi: String = "mow..."
  class People(val name:String, val age:Int) extends HiSayer {
    override def sayHi: String = s"I'm $name, $age years old."
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Animal
    val b = new People("Corkine",22)
    def sayHi(from:HiSayer): String = from.sayHi
    println(sayHi(a), sayHi(b))


使用委托重构 has 关系

Replace Inheritance with Delegation

package Before {
  class Animal(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Ball(animalName:String, age:Int,
             val ballName:String) extends Animal(animalName, age) {
    def status:String = s"$animalName is playing $ballName"
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Animal("Cat",2)
    val b = new Ball("Cat",2,"RedBall")
package After {
  class Animal(val name:String, val age:Int)
  class Ball(var animal: Animal,
             val ballName:String)  {
    def status:String = s"${animal.name} is playing $ballName"
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Animal("Cat",2)
    val b = new Ball(a,"RedBall")

Replace Delegation with Inheritance

package Before {
  class Father(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    def doWithSkill1():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing...")
    def doWithSkill2():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing2...")
    def doWithSkill3():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing3...")
    def doWithSkill4():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing4...")
  class Son(val name:String, val age:Int, val father: Father) {
    def doWithSkill1():Unit = {
    def doWithSkill2():Unit = {
    def doWithSkill3():Unit = {
    def doWithSkill4():Unit = {
  object Test extends App {
    val a = new Father("CC",44)
    val b = new Son("cc",10, a)
package After {
  class Father(val name:String, val age:Int) {
    def doWithSkill1():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing...")
    def doWithSkill2():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing2...")
    def doWithSkill3():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing3...")
    def doWithSkill4():Unit = {
      print("Father is singing4...")
  class Son(val sonName:String, val sonAge:Int,
            fatherName:String, fatherAge:Int) extends Father(fatherName,fatherAge)
  object Test extends App {
    val b = new Son("cc",10,"CC",44)

Tease Apart Inheritance

对于面向过程的程序,更改为面向对象之后,往对象中不免会添加越来越多的方法。当一个类越来越大,那么就需要使用 Eh Es 等手法将其拆分为继承体系,但是,当使用一个子类表示一种特殊情况、一种功能增强后,慢慢的子类也会变得更加臃肿。越来越多的子类被代表越来越多的例外,这可不好,容易造成类爆炸。



package Before {
  class Person(val name:String ,val age:Int)
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) extends Person(name,age)
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val company:String) extends Person(name,age)
  class WuhanStudent(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def eatReGanMian(): Unit = { }
  class WuhanEmployee(name:String, age:Int, val employee:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def playInGuangGu(): Unit = { }
  class HeNanStudent(name:String, age:Int, val school:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def playInLuoYang():Unit = { }
  class HeNanEmployee(name:String, age:Int, val employee:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def workMoreHard(): Unit = { }


package After {
  class Person(val name:String ,val age:Int) {
    def play(): Unit = { }
  class Student(name:String, age:Int, val location: Location, val school:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def eat(): Unit = location match {
      case Location(nam) => print(s"Eat $nam")
      case _ => print("Nothing...")
  class Employee(name:String, age:Int, val location: Location, val company:String) extends Person(name,age) {
    def eat(): Unit = { }
    def work(): Unit = { }
  class Location(val name:String)
  object Location {
    def apply(name: String): Location = new Location(name)
    def unapply(arg: Location): Option[String] = Option(arg.name)


Convert Procedural Design to Objects

参见第一部分的 Hello,World 部分, 将一个超大的函数拆分成了多个函数,然后将这些函数分门别类的移动到了几个不同领域的对象中。

Separate Domain from Presentation

对于 GUI 而言,按照 Domain 和 Presentation 进行拆分,这个和 Extract Subclass 按照功能拆分有一定的区别,和 Extract hierarchy 将特殊条件拆分为子类也不同。Eh 更接近状态博士,Es 更接近功能模块,而这里的 Dp 则更接近一种广义上的结构划分。

2019-05-09 撰写本文。